Thursday, September 10, 2009


One thing's for sure. I'm not cut out to be a fashion writer. This belief is reinforced recently when I chose to write a feature article for a fashion magazine. I read more news magazines than fashion magazines, so even if I have an interest in dress styles (not necessarily fashion as I don't follow fads), I don't possess any percentage of the fashion jargon nor the ability to describe a particular style in words.

Sure, I can always improve by reading and writing more of these articles. However, I don't have the same excitement when I put my thoughts into picturing or manually matching clothes with accessories and shoes as putting them into words. Maybe that's because I'm struggling to find the 'right words' - the kind of description and phrases that fashion writers love to use - for it. And to think I was contemplating on interning for one of the fashion magazines just a few months back as I thought it will be a good start.

Why, you may ask. Well, firstly, I have an interest in styling; second, I thought it will be easier to write on something you have an interest in. Besides, the word-count for fashion articles are much lower than other types of publications (in S'pore, fashion mags like Style consists of 500 - 1000-word articles).

Wrong. Ha ha. I practically feel like I was digging my grave the whole time during the whole process of researching, interviewing, compiling, and writing. Why couldn't I chose something I'm more well-versed in, like politics or community work, I lamented to my classmate one day. And my lovely friend just can't help but add on that since I have a petite frame, "it'll be quite an easy feat to finish digging the space for my grave."

Gee... Thankyouverymuch.

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